High Performance Kafka Producers

January 01, 2020 - San Francisco, CA

After my Scaling a Kafka Consumer post, it only seemed fair to take a dive into the producer side of the world too. It’s got it’s own set of problems and tuning fun that we can dive into.

The setup

Let’s assume that you already have a Kafka producer running, but its just not quite keeping up with the data flowing through. This already means you are in the 95th percentile of users - generally the default client configurations are more than enough to work.

If you are interested in how the internals the Producer, I recommend taking a look at this talk by Jiangie Qin at LinkedIn. Not only does it walk you through how the Producer works, it can give you some first pass tuning recommendations. However, I prefer a bit more empirical evaluation based on what the client is telling us - its metrics - that you can take back to decide how to manage your particular use case.

Back to basics

First, you need to understand why your producer is going slow. So the first question we need to ask is, “Is it Kafka or is it me?”

Maybe its Kafka. Some things to check to ensure that the cluster is ‘happy’:

  • network handler idle time
    • kafka.network:type=SocketServer,name=NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent
    • generally not below 60%, with average above 80%
  • request handler idle time
    • kafka.server:type=KafkaRequestHandlerPool,name=RequestHandlerAvgIdlePercent
    • generally not below 60%, with the global average consistently above 70%
  • disks are idle
  • cpu usage is not maxed out (it shouldn’t be if the above are true)

Unfortunately for us in this convenient - made-up - story, Kafka seems to be idling happily along, so we are left with tuning our client.

The obvious first starting place is ensuring that you have compression.type set. Compression on the producer side is seriously worth considering, especially if you have even a little bit of extra CPU available. Producer-side compression will help Kafka store more data quickly as the broker just writes the data to disk directly out of the socket (and vice versa for the consumer path), making it much more efficient for the whole pipeline if the a producer can just handle the compression up front.

If you are running Kafka 2.X+, you should have access to zstd compression. Some tests I’ve seen show a marked improvement on the alternatives - its got close to the compression of gzip, but with the CPU overhead of lz4. But your mileage may vary; be sure to test on your data!

That out of the way, the next thing we should check to see is how good our batches are looking. The easiest configuration to tweak here is linger.ms. You can think of this as time-based batching. By increasing our latency, we can then increase our throughput by eliminating the overhead of extra network calls.

For this, we should check out the record-queue-time-avg- the average time a batch waits in the send buffer, aka how long to fill a batch. If you are consistently below your linger.ms, then you are filling your batch sizes! So the first simple tweak is that we are going to increase our latency so that we can (no surprise!) increase the throughput too, by increasing your linger.ms (HINT: Kafka defaults to not waiting for batches, leaning towards lower latency producing, at the risk of more RPCs). I find 5ms to be a nice sweet spot.

Back to our toy example, you have set compression and tuned the linger.ms, but you are still not getting the throughput you need.

Going deeper

Once you get further into the weeds, producer configurations start to get more inter-related, with some important non-linear and sometimes unexpected impacts on performance. So it pays to be extra patient and scientific about combinations of different parameters. Remember, we should be continually going back to understanding the root bottleneck while keeping an eye on optimizing the rate of records flowing through the Producer.

The next questions to ask are, how big are your records - as Kafka sees them not as you think they are - and are you making “good” batches?

The size of the batch is determined by the batch.size configuration - the number of bytes after which the producer will send the request to the brokers, regardless of the linger.ms. Requests sent to brokers will contain multiple batches, one for each partition.

So there are a few things we need to check on. How many records are there per batch, and how big are they? Here is where we can start really digging into the kafka.producer MBeans. The batch-size-[avg|max] can give you a good idea of the distribution of the number of bytes per batch. Then record-size-[avg|max] can give you a sense of the size of each record. Divide the two and tada! You have a rough rate of records per batch.

Now, you can match this to the batch.size configuration and determine approximately how many records should be flowing through your Producer. You should also sanity check this against the record-send-rate - the number of records per second - reported by your producer.

<side note>

So if you are struggling to fill your batches with the number of records, the problem now might not even be in your producer! It might actually be upstream in your processing - you did check to ensure that you were Scaling a Kafka Consumer, right? It might as simple though as just increasing the amount of client threads, the parallelism, allocated to consuming records and passing them along to the producer. But let’s assume you checked all those things.

</side note>

You might be a bit surprised if you occasionally have very large messages (you did check record-size-max right?), as the max.request.size configuration will limit the maximum size of a request and therefore also inherently limit the number of record batches.

No, what about the time you are waiting for IO? Check out the io-wait-ratio metrics to see if you really are spending lots of time waiting for IO or doing processing.

Now we need to make sure that your buffer size is not getting filled. Here buffer-available-bytesis your friend, allowing you to ensure that your buffer.memory size is not behind exhausted by your record sizes and/or batching.

Also make sure to check the bytes per topic metrics.

If you are producing to many different topics, this can affect the quality of the compression as you can’t compress well across topics. In that case, you might need some application changes so that you can more aggressively batch per destination topic, rather than relying on Kafka to just do the right thing. Remember, this is an advanced tactic and you should only consider after benchmarking and confirming other things are not working.

Wrap up

Hopefully this will give you a bit more guidance than just the raw tuning documentation for how to go about removing bottlenecks and getting the performance out of your Producer that you know you be getting.

A summary of the configurations and metrics to tweak on the client:

  • compression.type
  • linger.ms
    • record-queue-time-avg, average time a batch waits in the send buffer, aka how long to fill a batch
  • batch.size
    • determine records per batch
    • bytes per batch
      • see batch-size-avg, batch-size-max
    • records per topic per second
      • see record-send-rate
    • check your bytes per topic
  • max.request.size
    • can limit the number and size of batches
    • see record-size-max
  • time spent waiting for IO
  • Are you really waiting? see io-wait-ratio
  • buffer.memory + queued requests
  • see buffer-available-bytes
  • 32MB default, roughly total memory by producer, bytes allocated to buffer records for sending

Do you have any more suggestions? Drop a note in the comments below!


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